This is Uranus' sister planet and it is 3 billion miles away from the sun. After the exclusion Neptune is now the outer most planet in our solar system
** Bright blue clouds that surround the planet Neptune consist mainly of frozen methane. Winds that carry these clouds may reach speeds up to 700 miles per hour. Image credit: NASA/JPL**
In 1989 Voyager 2 snapped a picture of Neptune that showed a huge storm, s great dark spot in its southern hemisphere stretching 8000 miles across, the storm resembled Jupiter's great red spot, 5 years after the dark spot was discovered when the Hubble telescope was aimed back to Neptune the dark spot was gone but this didn't mean that that was the end of violent storms on Neptune, astronomers discovered another dark spot but this time it was on the northern hemisphere. The dark spot storms on Neptune come and go on a shorter time scale than red spot storms on Jupiter that had been raging for over 300 years. The storm systems on Neptune are transient and eccentric, scientists observed the dark spot storms on Neptune and found that the oscillated a few thousand miles within a span of about 8 days. The disappearance, reappearance and overall erratic movement of these storm systems manes Neptune's storm system the most unpredictable in our solar system.
Similar to Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, Neptune also has a complex system of moons, 13 discovered so far. Scientists believe that some of Neptune's moons may have originally formed form elsewhere in the solar system and have been captured by Neptune. Beyond the orbit of Neptune and Pluto is stacked full of materials, small icy bodies, rocky bodies and other debris which every so often will collide with each other and get pushed into the solar system, some of these materials that have been pushed in ends up as comets but if these materials are pushed in the right direction and at the right time they can be captured by the planets gravitational pull becoming a moon. Also like the other outer planets excepting Jupiter, Neptune also has a dim ring system.
** In Neptune's outermost ring, 39,000 miles (63,000 kilometres) from the planet, material mysteriously clumps into three bright, dense arcs. Image credit: NASA**
Neptune's largest moon Triton is about the size of the Earth's moon, it is the coldest object in our solar system ever observed by astronomers even more frigid than Pluto. Averaging a temperature of -350°F which is so cold that the Nitrogen which will normally be a gas is an icy polar ice cap on this moon. It is so cold mainly because the surface is so reflective, about 70% of the sunlight that reaches it is reflected back and that much light not being absorbed by the moon means it gets very very cold.
**The icy crust of Triton, Neptune's largest satellite, has ridges and valleys that were revealed in photographs taken by the U.S. space probe Voyager 2. Image credit: NASA/JPL**
[Source: The History Chanel]
- It was named for the Roman god of the seas
- Its 2.68 Million miles from Earth
- Its Diameter is 30,775 miles
- Its takes 168.4 Earth years to orbit the Sun
- I Day on Neptune is 16.1 Earth Hours Long
** Bright blue clouds that surround the planet Neptune consist mainly of frozen methane. Winds that carry these clouds may reach speeds up to 700 miles per hour. Image credit: NASA/JPL**
In 1989 Voyager 2 snapped a picture of Neptune that showed a huge storm, s great dark spot in its southern hemisphere stretching 8000 miles across, the storm resembled Jupiter's great red spot, 5 years after the dark spot was discovered when the Hubble telescope was aimed back to Neptune the dark spot was gone but this didn't mean that that was the end of violent storms on Neptune, astronomers discovered another dark spot but this time it was on the northern hemisphere. The dark spot storms on Neptune come and go on a shorter time scale than red spot storms on Jupiter that had been raging for over 300 years. The storm systems on Neptune are transient and eccentric, scientists observed the dark spot storms on Neptune and found that the oscillated a few thousand miles within a span of about 8 days. The disappearance, reappearance and overall erratic movement of these storm systems manes Neptune's storm system the most unpredictable in our solar system.
Similar to Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, Neptune also has a complex system of moons, 13 discovered so far. Scientists believe that some of Neptune's moons may have originally formed form elsewhere in the solar system and have been captured by Neptune. Beyond the orbit of Neptune and Pluto is stacked full of materials, small icy bodies, rocky bodies and other debris which every so often will collide with each other and get pushed into the solar system, some of these materials that have been pushed in ends up as comets but if these materials are pushed in the right direction and at the right time they can be captured by the planets gravitational pull becoming a moon. Also like the other outer planets excepting Jupiter, Neptune also has a dim ring system.
** In Neptune's outermost ring, 39,000 miles (63,000 kilometres) from the planet, material mysteriously clumps into three bright, dense arcs. Image credit: NASA**
Neptune's largest moon Triton is about the size of the Earth's moon, it is the coldest object in our solar system ever observed by astronomers even more frigid than Pluto. Averaging a temperature of -350°F which is so cold that the Nitrogen which will normally be a gas is an icy polar ice cap on this moon. It is so cold mainly because the surface is so reflective, about 70% of the sunlight that reaches it is reflected back and that much light not being absorbed by the moon means it gets very very cold.
**The icy crust of Triton, Neptune's largest satellite, has ridges and valleys that were revealed in photographs taken by the U.S. space probe Voyager 2. Image credit: NASA/JPL**
[Source: The History Chanel]
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